Travel tips

Travel tips

Travel tips

Lately, travel seems to be a primary need for some people. Usually, they visit local tourist attractions or even go to neighboring countries. Many people are afraid of whether the place they are going to visit is safe or not.

There are so many places in this world that are arguably unsafe, maybe there is something like that around you. However, you can get around it completely by following the travel tips below.

1. Check back

Get in the habit of checking your belongings when you leave somewhere. You can take more items with you when you travel, so it's easy to forget to leave your jacket or diary where you want to visit.

2. Place sources of funds in different locations

Don't put all of your money, credit cards, and ATM cards in your wallet or purse when you travel. It is good to separate some of these things in different places so as not to make it difficult for you if one of the elements is missing.

3. Avoid tucking wallets in your back pockets

Never put your wallet in the back pocket of your pants when traveling anywhere. This is so that you are not inserted. Better to put the wallet in the front pocket or more securely in the inside pocket of the jacket.

4. Scan all important documents

Scan all the important documents of your trip and paste them into your personal email or smartphone. Or the easy way to have all of your passports, visas, travel insurance, and other items photocopied and kept in one place.

You will get into trouble if your identity or personal letter is lost while traveling. By scanning important documents, you can be on your guard and get the documents you need with ease.

5. Don't believe too easily

It is common when you travel to a place and don't trust the locals. However, there are some restrictions to be aware of, such as B. Visiting a high-risk location. You need to be able to trust the locals for help when they have problems.

6. Inject the vaccination

Before you travel, see a doctor or hospital for any vaccinations or vaccinations. In addition, you also need to take precautionary measures when you have any health problems.

7. Do not show any valuables

If you are going somewhere and have more possessions than the locals do, it is best not to display valuables. This is to prevent you from being targeted by a thief. Leave your jewelry at the hotel and keep your camera in your pocket when not in use.

8. Don't force yourself to do something new

Never force yourself to learn to ride a motorcycle or jet ski outside of your country. In Thailand, for example, 38 people die every day from motorcycle accidents. There are several travel insurances that do not cover this.

9. Never leave your items in public places

You may hear this a lot, but there are still a lot of people who still do it. Always hang your bag on a leg or chair when in a restaurant.

10. Better to give

There are some simple rules, but many people find them difficult to follow. If you are held up, just hand in your belongings like a wallet or a watch. Do this so that you don't hurt yourself.
